marine Steam Boiler Vertical

13 Mar 2020

Mini Once Through Boiler

Mini Once Through Boiler

In this Boiler tank, steam / steam produced a certain amount according to the capacity of the boiler itself. The heated water will quickly form hot steam with a temperature of 180 ° C (at 10 bar pressure) and flow into the header to be transferred to the production process and used as a turbine drive or used heat for various other production purposes.
Stean heat depends on the pressure value in the boiler boiler. at 1 bar pressure, the stem temperature is 100 ° C. the higher the pressure, the higher the boiling point temperature  . If the pressure reaches 30 bar in the boiler tank, the temperature of the steam will be 233 ° C. The pressure value can be higher if the water is in an enclosed space, in this case a steam boiler / boiler.
Steam produced from a boiler is still Saturated Steam. This steam can be heated again up to 300 ° C more and this steam is called superheated steam. Boilers are generally divided into two namely, fire pipe boilers and water pipe boilers. Fire pipe boilers are widely used by industries that only require relatively low vapor pressure, such as food and beverage factories   While this type of water pipe is used by industry / power plants that require high steam pressure, for example in turbine plants in power plants. Serving requests for thermal oil heaters, boilers, burners, and boiler accessories.
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