Alhamdulillaah, dengan mengucap puji dan syukur ke hadirat Allah Subhanahu Wata’aalaa, instruction manual ini telah disusun guna memudahkan pengguna unit Thermal Oil Heater (TOH) PT Indira Dwi Mitra.
Kami berharap instruction manual book ini bisa menjadi pedoman bagi customer, terutama Operator yang akan menjalankan unit TOH ini. Pada setiap bab dijelas...
Industrial Vertical Boiler | Fuel Oil Gas Diesel LPG
Once through structure steam evaporator is developed with vertical water tubes, which gives the upsides of reduced structure, high warm effectiveness, short establishment cycle and low foundation speculations. The boilers are outfitted with full programmed controllers on temperature, weight and water level, and so on to...
Selamat datang di PT Indira Dwi Mitra Specialist,Fabrikasi Steam Boiler,Thermal oil Boiler,Hot Water Boiler.,Oil gas Burner,KSB Pump, Pipa bakar Boiler dll.