S801+/S811+ – Soft Start up to 1000 A (1732 A “In-Delta”) Eaton S801+ / S811+
Soft Starter S801 + / S811 +

- Ukuran kompak, sebagian besar ukuran adalah yang terkecil di pasaran, oleh karena itu lebih banyak drive per kabinet dimungkinkan
- Menghilangkan start dan stop yang tiba-tiba, memperpanjang masa hidup sistem secara mekanik dan mengurangi biaya servis untuk belt dan gearbox
- Kontrol yang lebih baik dari torsi motor, peningkatan gearbox dan masa pakai bantalan, mengurangi keausan sabuk dan menghilangkan palu air dengan algoritma pompa khusus Eaton khusus
- Menurunkan lonjakan, mengurangi biaya permintaan puncak
- Siap komunikasi – RTU Modbus® asli pada board, tidak ada opsi yang diperlukan
- Fungsi pemantauan canggih: daya, faktor daya, arus fasa, tegangan fasa, suhu perangkat, dan banyak lagi, menghemat peralatan pengukuran tambahan dan biaya kabel
- Perlindungan yang berlebihan untuk motor dan starter lunak, mencegah kerusakan perangkat, independen jika dalam operasi normal atau pada aplikasi yang salah
- Salin & rekatkan keypad, antarmuka pengguna yang dapat dilepas, menyederhanakan commissioning dan menghemat waktu dalam produksi serial
- Ranging from 11 to 1000 amps, the S811+ provides an array of built-in features designed to address the needs of industrial and OEM customers.
- Severe-duty capable
- Sophisticated pump algorithm
- Communication ready – native Modbus RTU and QC Port with external Ethernet IP/Modbus TCP com modules
- Advanced monitoring and protection capabilities
- Engineered to industry standards ULT, CSAT, RoHS, IEC, CE, C-Tick, CSA elevator duty and CCC
- Warnings/alarms available to avoid nuisance tripping
- Streamlined menu structure for programming, easy installation, setup, maintenance and monitoring
- KW and power factor measurement
- Cloning feat
- Beban induktif tiga fase
- Motor lunak mulai dalam sistem transportasi dan pengangkutan
- Start pompa yang halus mengurangi pemuatan dan keausan seluruh sistem (water hammer)
- Peralihan solid-state pompa di lingkungan ekstrem pabrik kimia dan stasiun pengisian
- Penggantian Star-Delta (terutama untuk motor di atas 5,5 kW, membutuhkan metode awal pengurangan arus)
- Pompa dan kipas di Aplikasi HVAC
- Industri Air / Air Limbah
- Kontrol pengurangan kebisingan dan cepat dalam membangun aplikasi
- Belt lembut mulai dengan aplikasi kipas.
S801 + / S811 + – Soft Start hingga 1000 A (1732 A “In-Delta”) Eaton S801 + / S811 +
Soft Starter Family sangat ideal untuk aplikasi seperti pompa, kipas dan konveyor. Interval servis yang berkepanjangan dan pengurangan biaya kepemilikan adalah keuntungan tambahan. Rangkaian soft starter Eaton S801 + / S811 + menghadirkan kinerja yang solid di luar fitur perlindungan standar yang ditemukan di sebagian besar soft starter. Memilih soft starter akan meningkatkan produktivitas Anda dan mengurangi biaya Anda.
- Ukuran kompak, sebagian besar ukuran adalah yang terkecil di pasaran, oleh karena itu lebih banyak drive per kabinet dimungkinkan
- Menghilangkan start dan stop yang tiba-tiba, memperpanjang masa hidup sistem secara mekanik dan mengurangi biaya servis untuk belt dan gearbox
- Kontrol yang lebih baik dari torsi motor, peningkatan gearbox dan masa pakai bantalan, mengurangi keausan sabuk dan menghilangkan palu air dengan algoritma pompa khusus Eaton khusus
- Menurunkan lonjakan, mengurangi biaya permintaan puncak
- Siap komunikasi – RTU Modbus® asli pada board, tidak ada opsi yang diperlukan
- Fungsi pemantauan canggih: daya, faktor daya, arus fasa, tegangan fasa, suhu perangkat, dan banyak lagi, menghemat peralatan pengukuran tambahan dan biaya kabel
- Perlindungan yang berlebihan untuk motor dan starter lunak, mencegah kerusakan perangkat, independen jika dalam operasi normal atau pada aplikasi yang salah
- Salin & rekatkan keypad, antarmuka pengguna yang dapat dilepas, menyederhanakan commissioning dan menghemat waktu dalam produksi serial
- Beban induktif tiga fase
- Motor lunak mulai dalam sistem transportasi dan pengangkutan
- Start pompa yang halus mengurangi pemuatan dan keausan seluruh sistem (water hammer)
- Peralihan solid-state pompa di lingkungan ekstrem pabrik kimia dan stasiun pengisian
- Penggantian Star-Delta (terutama untuk motor di atas 5,5 kW, membutuhkan metode awal pengurangan arus)
- Pompa dan kipas di Aplikasi HVAC
- Industri Air / Air Limbah
- Kontrol pengurangan kebisingan dan cepat dalam membangun aplikasi
- Belt lembut mulai dengan aplikasi kipas.
Ground fault protection parameter for S811+ Introduction The Ground Fault protection parameter has options and features similar to other critical protection parameters. These features include enabling/disabling the parameter and adjustment of trip delay timing. Ground Fault trip thresholds are hard coded into the soft starter and cannot be changed by the user. Ground Fault accuracy is +/-10% of the trip threshold. Application To provide additional application protection to Eaton customers, the S811+ …P3S soft starter product line has added a parameter that monitors ground fault currents. All other protection parameters remain unchanged. Parameters: The S811+…P3S has the following Ground Fault Protections parameters; Table 1 – GND Fault Parameters Parameter Units Min Max Default Notes GND Fault – Enable1 0 2 0 0 = Disable 1 = Enable 2 = Warning GND Fault Dly2 seconds 2 20 2 1 GND Fault protection is not active during the start ramp. 2 GND Fault Delay time begins after the ramp time has expired. Threshold Fault Actions: The S811+…P3S soft starter meets the IEC Ground Fault (GF) trip thresholds; Table 2 – IEC GND Fault Thresholds Ground Fault Current % Threshold Action Less than 90% No Fault Trip/Fault Warning 90% – 110% Variable Greater than 110% Fault Trip/Fault Warning less than 1 second Application Note Ground Fault Protection for S811+ Effective October 2014 2 EATON CORPORATION www.eaton.com Threshold Values: The fault action threshold is set at 50% of the Motor Nameplate FLA and is not user adjustable. Table 3 – GND Fault Thresholds Catalog Number Units FLA Range (Inside Delta1 ) Pickup Range (Inside Delta1 ) S811+N37P3S Amps 11 – 37 (19 – 65) 18.5 Fixed (32 Fixed) S811+N66P3S 20 – 66 (35 – 114) 10 – 33 (17.5 – 57) S811+R10P3S 32 – 105 (55 – 182) 16 – 52.5 (27.5 – 91) S811+R13P3S 42 – 135 (73 – 234) 21 – 67.5 (36.5 – 117) S811+T18P3S 56 – 180 (97 – 311) 28 – 90 (48.5 – 115.5) S811+T24P3S 75 – 240 (130 – 415) 37.5 – 120 (65 – 207.5) S811+T30P3S 95 – 304 (164 – 526) 47.5 – 152 (82 – 263) S811+U36P3S 112 – 360 (195 – 623) 56 – 180 (97.5 – 311.5) S811+U42P3S 131 – 420 (227 – 727) 65.5 – 210 (113.5 – 363.5) S811+U50P3S 156 – 500 (270 – 865) 78 – 250 (135 – 432.5) S811+V36P3S 112 – 360 (195 – 623) 56 – 180 (97.5 – 311.5) S811+V42P3S 131 – 420 (227 – 727) 65.5 – 210 (113.5 – 363.5) S811+V50P3S 156 – 500 (270 – 865) 78 – 250 (135 – 432.5) S811+V65P3S 203 – 650 (352 – 1125) 101.5 – 325 (176 – 562.5) S811+V72P3S 225 – 720 (389 – 1246) 112.5 – 360 (194.5 – 623) S811+V85P3S 265 – 850 (458 – 1471) 132.5 – 425 (229 – 735.5) S811+V10P3S 320 – 1000 (539 – 1732) 160 – 500 (269.5 – 866) 1 Line values Application Notes: The measured RMS GND fault current value is not included in the Monitoring Menu, nor is it visible to any network communications. The unit will respond with a Fault Trip or Fault Warning action (if enabled) in accordance with Table 2 – IEC GND Fault Thresholds. GND Flt is not active for the duration of Soft Start Time during Voltage Ramp, Current Limit, or Pump Start time operation, regardless of when the internal bypass contactor(s) close. GND Flt is not active during JOG, Soft Stop, or Pump Stop operation. GND Flt indication is Fault Code 8, Fault Trip or Fault Warning. The GND Delay parameter does not delay the reaction time of the soft starter. The delay parameter adds time after the expiration of the Start ramp time in which the GND Fault protection is enabled (default – Disabled). EXAMPLE: If the Start ramp time is set to 20 seconds (default) and the GND Flt Dly time is set to 2 seconds (default), the GND Fault parameter will be enabled 22 seconds after the soft starter recognizes the Start command. The GND Fault feature is being added to the Protections Menu of the S811+…P3S soft starters on units with a production Date Code of C140401 and subsequent. S811+…P3S soft starters produced prior to this date do not have this feature. Warranty claims on production units produced prior to April 1, 2014 solely on the basis that Ground Fault protection is not installed will not be considered. Production units having Ground Fault protection installed may be identified by catalog number and date code as shown below:
Ground fault protection parameter for S811+
The Ground Fault protection parameter has options and features similar to other critical protection parameters. These features include enabling/disabling the parameter and adjustment of trip delay timing. Ground Fault trip thresholds are hard coded into the soft starter and cannot be changed by the user. Ground Fault accuracy is +/-10% of the trip threshold. Application To provide additional application protection to Eaton customers, the S811+ …P3S soft starter product line has added a parameter that monitors ground fault currents. All other protection parameters remain unchanged. Parameters: The S811+…P3S has the following Ground Fault Protections parameters; Table 1 – GND Fault Parameters
Threshold Values: The fault action threshold is set at 50% of the Motor Nameplate FLA and is not user adjustable. Table 3 – GND Fault Thresholds Catalog Number Units FLA Range (Inside Delta1 ) Pickup Range (Inside Delta1 )
S811+N37P3S Amps 11 – 37 (19 – 65) 18.5 Fixed (32 Fixed) S811+N66P3S 20 – 66 (35 – 114) 10 – 33 (17.5 – 57) S811+R10P3S 32 – 105 (55 – 182) 16 – 52.5 (27.5 – 91) S811+R13P3S 42 – 135 (73 – 234) 21 – 67.5 (36.5 – 117) S811+T18P3S 56 – 180 (97 – 311) 28 – 90 (48.5 – 115.5) S811+T24P3S 75 – 240 (130 – 415) 37.5 – 120 (65 – 207.5) S811+T30P3S 95 – 304 (164 – 526) 47.5 – 152 (82 – 263) S811+U36P3S 112 – 360 (195 – 623) 56 – 180 (97.5 – 311.5) S811+U42P3S 131 – 420 (227 – 727) 65.5 – 210 (113.5 – 363.5) S811+U50P3S 156 – 500 (270 – 865) 78 – 250 (135 – 432.5) S811+V36P3S 112 – 360 (195 – 623) 56 – 180 (97.5 – 311.5) S811+V42P3S 131 – 420 (227 – 727) 65.5 – 210 (113.5 – 363.5) S811+V50P3S 156 – 500 (270 – 865) 78 – 250 (135 – 432.5) S811+V65P3S 203 – 650 (352 – 1125) 101.5 – 325 (176 – 562.5) S811+V72P3S 225 – 720 (389 – 1246) 112.5 – 360 (194.5 – 623) S811+V85P3S 265 – 850 (458 – 1471) 132.5 – 425 (229 – 735.5) S811+V10P3S 320 – 1000 (539 – 1732) 160 – 500 (269.5 – 866